Saturday, January 24, 2009

Recession Blues…but is it so blue after all?

The week seems to have brought about a dark cloud of recession blues. Everyone I ran into, old friends and new, seem to ask the same question, “How is business? Are you affected by the recession?” Being tired of regurgitating the same answer (although I know they only ask because they care) I thought perhaps of recording my self and then playing it back or even better why not just get it down on type.

Being a young business as long as sales are better than last year January it is a positive sign. In this kind of volatile economic climate reaching targets might be a bit more challenging then usual but never the less it makes you want to work harder, think bigger and achieve more.

As a business owner working to survive the storm is definitely on my mind but then again it is on every business owners mind, which makes it a more fun market in terms of bartering. That deal on the advertising package is half the price, big venues want to attract people to their spot to eat or shop wanting to partner up if you have something new to offer and rent can be negotiated with landlords. I notice that humanity huddles together at times like these bringing out the caring side in us all…we tend to become more about society rather then ourselves.

If we look back to the history of fashion many brands have been though “hard” times. Taking the example of Louis Vuitton, during World War II they fought their way through, post war once again with the changing way of life and society they too adopted their business model becoming the most successful luxury house around. Making the correct decisions, adapting instantly to change (both your self and your business model) and being passionate can drive us thought these tough times.

In summarizing…lets seize the opportunities (there are lots of opportunities around), collaborate, and help one and other to build something bigger and better.

I really believe in living for the moment and regardless of what one is doing or where they are, the moment is always perfect. We often have to face “negatives” or what we perceive as “negative experiences” to help us in our growth process. Isn’t that what we are here to do, expand and evolve reaching to a new level of consciousness?

I’ll leave you with my most amazing moment of the week, last Sunday afternoon, I ran off to the beach to soak in 23 degrees and sunshine:

What a beautiful life!

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